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AJESH needs the services of volunteers from any country, with no barriers to age, sex or race, with knowledge in either community development, social work (ageing, youth, children, orphans, etc), forestry and conservation (FLEGT, REDD+, etc), Agriculture, Agro business, Marketing, Community Health Care, eco-tourism, Women and Girls Empowerment, either with the continuation of existing projects or in the creation of new viable and sustainable progammes/Projects. Programmes/Projects should be completed within your time in with us in Cameroon, and should be sustainable.

Is volunteering at AJESH for me?

Volunteering in a developing country for a community and peopled centred organisation is task demanding and thus requires candidates who are ready to MULTITASK. There are certain personal characteristics that, if you possess, will make it easier for you to adapt to the local people’s way of life thus, you’ll enjoy your stay in Cameroon.

Are you flexible, non-judgmental, tolerant, resourceful/creative and inquisitive? Do you like asking questions, learning by doing, exchanging knowledge and sharing skills? Are you compassionate, hard working, adventurous and willing to learn? If you think you posses such characteristics, then you are the appropriate person we look forward to work with here in Cameroon. Above all you must be open minded to new experiences, different cultures and ways of life.  Come and work with us, prepared to immerse yourself in local community and it will be a rewarding and exciting journey.

If you are considering applying, and would like more practical details (about costs, accommodation, transport, communication, etc.), we hope that you will find the document “Information for Volunteers” (below) useful. We can also supply the contact details of previous volunteers who will give you feedback on their own personal experiences with AJESH in Cameroon. If you wish to apply to become a volunteer with AJESH, please go to the Online Volunteer Application. We will then get in contact with you to propose volunteer work that best matches our needs with your particular abilities and interests.


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About Us

An organization that whose sole mission is to  Nurture an empowered, healthy and sustainable society that is free from poverty and injustice in harmony with its environment.
